You must be a registered voter in the county in which
you live to vote . To register, you must be 18 years old by the date of
the election in which you wish to vote, live at your present address for
at least 30 days before the election, not be in jail for a
felony conviction and not claim the right to vote elsewhere.
By calling the Board of Elections at 607-832-5321
and asking to have an application sent to you. You may also pick
up an application at any post office or town clerk. You may also
register at the Board of Elections office at 97 Main Street • Ste 5, Delhi NY
Monday through Friday between 8:30am and 4 pm. To download the
application in Adobe Acrobat format, select the following link.
No. A new law was passed in 2019 which now transfers your registration from county to county. If you are a registered voter in NY, you will remain on the voter rolls. You must inform the Board of Elections of any residential move so that your records are kept up to date. You may also change your addess throgh the DMV.
No. You may send the Board of Elections your new
address in Delaware County and your record will be transferred. You will
be sent a notice confirming your new address. You will also be notified
where you new polling place is.
You will receive a post card when your registration
application has been approved. The card will tell you your election
district and the location of your polling place.
A Primary election is an election at which only
enrolled members of a party may vote. Primaries are held by the party to
choose their candidates for the General Election. Primaries will be held on the fourth Tuesday in June before every General Election unless otherwise changed by an Act of the Legistlature.
You cast your vote on a paper ballot; the ballot is
then put into a tabulator. There is no indication on the paper ballot
of who voted on which ballot. Therefore once inside the tabulator
all votes are secret.
You will cast your write-in vote on the paper ballot
inside the box marked "Write-In". Your write-in must be in the
column for which office you wish to cast the vote for.
Yes. A voter with a disability may have the
assistance of anyone of their choice except their employer or union
agent. One election inspector from each political party may also assist
a voter.
If your name does not appear on the election
inspectors list you will be given a paper ballot which is called an
affidavit ballot. The Board of Elections will check its records and your
vote will be counted if you are indeed eligible to vote. If they find
you are not eligible you will receive a notice explaining why along with
a registration form.
It means that you choose to list yourself as a member of a political
party. There are six recognized parties in New York State. They are:
Democratic, Republican, Conservative, and Working Families.
A change of enrollment received by the Board of Elections will take effect immediately, provided however, any change of enrollment received by the Board of Elections after February 14 (fourteenth) and before or on seven days after the June primary shall take effect on the seventh day after the June primary.
Election Inspectors are the people that are at the poll sites on Election Day that have you sign in, give you a ballot and guide you through the voting process. They are also called Election Poll Workers.