DS Derek Bowie
DS Tahir Haqq
DS Earnest Cawley
DS Kim Smith
DS. Timothy Murray
DS John Demeo
DS Jeffrey Clark
DS Richard Sass
Deputy Sheriffs assigned to the Road Patrol Division respond to calls for service from the general public. They have
a diversified caseload, covering everything from animal nuisance complaints to homicides. Each deputy works four
(4) ten (10) hour shifts. Since our County is remote and has no major cities, each deputy takes his car home so that
he can respond readily to incidents near his residence – even when he is not on duty. The deputies interview victims,
witnesses, and alleged suspects; write crime incident reports; and, when necessary, take people into custody and
transport them to jail. As appropriate, the deputies refer cases to one of our Office’s investigators for further action.
The deputies also testify in later court trials concerning their cases.
STEP” is an acronym for Selective Traffic Enforcement Program, which refers to planned enforcement
activities targeting identified crash causing traffic violations and/or behaviors at their specific times and places of
occurrence. Fatalities and personal injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes continue to be a serious societal
problem. A large percentage of these traffic crashes can be directly attributed to speeding and other aggressive driving
behaviors. While public information and education efforts help prevent some of these incidents, directed traffic law
enforcement is the proven key to eliminating these behaviors and their resulting crashes.
DS Todd
Van Keuren
Lt. Timothy Buckley
Sgt. Jody Proffitt