Lt. “Fred” Stanton
Sgt. John Lehmann
This report reflects the change in command in our Corrections Division occasioned by the retirement
of our Chief Jail Administrator, Lt. Bruce Gaffney. First Sgt. Harold (“Fred”) Stanton was promoted to
Lieutenant and Sergeant John Lehmann was promoted to Corrections First Sergeant.
This past year we had four (4) reportable incidents, five of which required the use of OC. This is a
relatively small amount for the numbers we keep in this facility I still believe that the conduct of our staff and
the professionalism they display on a daily basis in the discharge of their duties is the main factor in keeping
this number to a minimum.
In 2012, we processed in 1,664 inmates, 61 more than last year. Of those processed in, 581 were new
bookings, 6 more than last year. Among those inmates committed to this facility, we had 789 jail-related
transports. This figure is above our average of 700 transports since we are in our new facility. As with most
counties, our population has been up which directly accounts for more transports than last year and naturally
more income from boarding in inmates.
The time we spent on transports was quite considerable. If a minimum time spent on each transport
averaged only two and a half hours, it would add up to more than 2,000 hours per year. That would keep one
transport officer involved in a transport every minute of his work day for the year if the transports could be done
one at a time with one inmate and one Officer. In reality, the majority of our transports are multiple, in different
directions and require more than one Officer. This still has a large affect on our overtime budget.
In the year 2012, we billed out boarding fees in the amount of $237,366, a little over $100,000.00 more
than last year, to other Counties which include: Broome, Greene, Sullivan and from the U. S. Marshall’s service.
This higher total reflects the fact that there was more of a need for spaces for Federal Boarders. Many counties
have built or are in the process of building new jails and each time that occurs, it takes away that County’s need
to board inmates out and adds another County that can board inmates in.
Overall, since we opened for business nine years ago, we have taken in over 2.60 million dollars in
boarding fees alone. Even though this facility is not considered an income-producing facility, we can still
produce revenue for the County.
Other revenue generated this past year adds up to another $40,038.00 – bringing the total revenues
generated in 2012 by the Jail to $277,404. This does not include monies received from the State for transporting
State inmates.