Watch for Parked Cars.
Ride far enough out from the curb to avoid the unexpected from
parked cars (like doors opening or cars pulling out.)
Use Hand Signals.
New York State Law requires use of hand signals to tell motorists and
pedestrians what you intend to do. Signal as a matter of law, of courtesy and of self-
Look Before Turning
. When turning left or right, always look behind you for a break in
traffic, then signal before making the turn. Watch for left or right-turning traffic.
Choose the Best Way to turn Left
. There are two choices: (1) like an automobile: signal to
move into the left turn lane and then turn left. (2) Like a pedestrian: ride straight to the far
side crosswalk. Walk your bike across.
Don’t pass on the Right.
Motorists may not look for nor see a bicycle passing on the right.
Young children between the ages of 10 and 14 are at the highest risk of injury
on a
bicycle. Review these safety guidelines with your children. Look for a bicycle safety event
to participate in this spring. And watch out for children when you are driving.
If we all take the time to review these laws and tips we can all ride...and drive... safer this Spring!
May 11, 2012
2012 National Click It or ticket Seat Belt Enforcement
Mobilization May 21 - June 3, 2012
All fatal motor vehicle accidents are tragic. But especially tragic are the ones in which an occupant has
been thrown from a vehicle or otherwise displaced as a result of not having worn a seat belt. If you routinely
buckle up, I applaud your commitment to endeavor to prolong your life and thereby stave off sorrow and
discomfort to yourself and others.
The 2012 national Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement mobilization kicks off May 21
. Be
forewarned, we take seat belt usage very seriously. Our officers will be out on the road cracking down on Click
It or Ticket violators and enforcing seat belt laws
According to available statistics, in 2010 alone, seat belt use saved an estimated 12,546 lives. That same
year, of the 22,187 passenger vehicle occupants killed in motor vehicle crashes, 51 percent of them were NOT
wearing seat belts at the time of their fatal crashes.
Men and younger motorists are particularly at risk. Of those aged between 18-34, 62 percent of those
killed in 2010, in motor vehicle traffic crashes were not buckled up. If you take into consideration only the men
killed in that age group, the percentage escalates to 66%.
The time during which the biggest percentage of drivers do not wear their seat belts has been determined