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DCLEA Photos

Delaware County Law Enforcement Training Academy provides images of some of the training exercises.  Below please enjoy a slide show of these images.  By clicking on the smaller photo images that appear to the left and right of the larger center photo, the photos will advance forward and backward respectively.



Drug Recognition Class at the Public Safety Building May 10th, 2010 attended by 53 people including police officers, DSS employees, school teachers, school administrators, and court security personnel.   Instructor: Sidney Police Officer & Part-time Delaware County Deputy Sheriff Jan Gorshack Drug Recognition Class at the Public Safety Building May 10th, 2010 attended by 53 people including police officers, DSS employees, school teachers, school administrators, and court security personnel.   Instructor: Sidney Police Officer & Part-time Delaware County Deputy Sheriff Jan Gorshack Drug Recognition Class at the Public Safety Building May 10th, 2010 attended by 53 people including police officers, DSS employees, school teachers, school administrators, and court security personnel.   Instructor: Sidney Police Officer & Part-time Delaware County Deputy Sheriff Jan Gorshack Drug Recognition Class at the Public Safety Building May 10th, 2010 attended by 53 people including police officers, DSS employees, school teachers, school administrators, and court security personnel.   Instructor: Sidney Police Officer & Part-time Delaware County Deputy Sheriff Jan Gorshack Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (10/05/09 - 10/07/09) Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (10/05/09 - 10/07/09) Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (10/05/09 - 10/07/09) Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (10/05/09 - 10/07/09) Firearms Instructor Course 2009 Firearms Instructor Course 2009 Firearms Instructor Course 2009 Firearms Instructor Course 2009 Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (08/03/09  - 08/05/09) Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (08/03/09  - 08/05/09) Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (08/03/09  - 08/05/09) Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (08/03/09  - 08/05/09) Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (08/03/09  - 08/05/09) Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (08/03/09  - 08/05/09) Delaware Patrol Rifle Operator Course (08/03/09  - 08/05/09) - taken at Delaware County Firing Range    Standing in Back row:  Instructors: DCSO Investigator Joseph Mauro (left)and Sidney PD Sergeant Cassey Caratelli (right) (wearing red shirts)
  Timothy J. Stolo (Nys University Police at Suny (“SUNY”); Jeffrey Moulton (SUNY); Patrick Reilly (SUNY); Tahir Haqq (Delaware County Sheriff’s Office (“DCSO”); Dennis Price (Nys University Police @ Alfred (“Alfred”); Bruce Brown (SUNY); Kenneth Hammond (SUNY); Mark Woodworth (Alfred); Martin Pettit (Nys University Police @ Binghamton (“Binghamton”) and  Instructor: Capt. James H. Small, DCSO (wearing red cap)  
Kneeling in Front row:  Jesse Cole (Alfred); Brian Ackley (SUNY);  Michael Summa, Town of Fallsburg Police Department (“Fallsburg”); Jody Proffit (DCSO); CO Darin Brundege , Albany County Sheriff’s Office, and  Michael Dotoratos, Fallsburg. Photo taken at a Defensive Tactics Instructors' Course held at the Public Safety Building, July 20-30, 2009.
Sponsored by Delaware County Sheriff’s Office Academy - Capt. James Small.  Officers standing from left to right:  Dep. Jason Ough (Otsego Sheriff's Office [Instructor]), Officer Mike Plunkett(Mt. Vernon Police Dept.),
 Lt. D. Brundege (Albany County Sheriff's Office), Sgt. Scott Burrison (Norwich Police Dept.),  Lt. Mike Mapley (University Police Department,
  Syracuse), Dep. Mike Stalter (Otsego Sheriff's Office), Sgt. Mike Calhoun (Delaware County Correctional Facility [Instructor]), Dep. John
   Solian (Ulster County Sheriff's Office [Instructor])      Kneeling in the front row, from left to right:  Officer Omar Hadeer (Ulster County
    Sheriff's Office), Dep. Richard Sass (Delaware County Sheriff's Office), Ladd Dawson (SUNY-Delhi University Police), Officer Stacy Ferris 
    (Otsego County Sheriff's Office) On Thursday, Delaware County probation officers Randy Ontl, left, and David Hoyt enter a building with Glock Simunition guns as state 
Department of Environmental Conservation officer George Wilber, center, stands nearby during a state-certified active shooter response training simulation course. They were in Hamden at the Delaware
 County fire training center. (Star photo by Brit Worgan) [] Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Activities Presented During the Active Shooter Course held in May, 2009 Attendees of the Patrol Rifle Operator Course held in May, 2008 Attendees of the Patrol Rifle Operator Course held in May, 2008 Attendees of the Patrol Rifle Operator Course held in May, 2008 Attendees of the PRO Class held in October, 2007 Attendees of the PRO Class held in October, 2007 Attendees of the PRO Class held in October, 2007