Applicants may be eligible to receive additional credits in a
competitive examination if they meet certain criteria. Credit of five
(5) points may be received in an open competitive examination and two
and a half (2.5) points on a promotional examination. If an applicant is
classified as a disabled veteran an additional credit of five (5) points
may be received on an open competitive examination, for a total of ten
(10) points, and an additional two and one half (2.5) points on a
promotional examination, for a total of five (5) points.
Criteria for Veterans’ Credit:
• Applicant is a citizen of the United States or a Lawful Permanent
• Applicant was honorably discharged or separated from the Armed Forces
of the United States.
• Applicant served in the Armed Forces during “wartime” as defined in
the “Application for Veterans Credits”
• Applicant is a resident of New York State at the time application for
veterans credits is made.
• Applicant has not used his/her veterans credits for permanent
appointment or promotion in New York State or its civil division since
January 1, 1951.Criteria for Disabled Veterans Credit:
• Veteran was disabled while actively performing duties during
• Veteran is currently receiving payments for such disability, where the
disability is rated at 10% or more.
To view or print the Veteran Credit forms click on the appropriate form
for Veterans Credit
Authorization For Disability Record