Antifreeze, Used
Separated recyclable item. Any
predominately metal item commonly used in the household,
including: stoves, ovens, microwaves, toasters, and dishwashers.
Freon containing appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, air
conditioners, and water coolers must be handled separately to
allow for the collection and recycling of freon gas. Non-freon
appliances are handled as scrap metal. Accepted at the Solid
Waste Management Center and many Town Transfer Stations.
Asbestos (Friable Asbestos)
Ashes, Burn Barrels
Prohibited item. Ashes from burn barrels,
woodstoves, fireplaces, and fire pits are not accepted for
disposal. Please extinguish ashes completely and bury on site.
Bale Wrap
C&D / Furniture. Sheet plastic used in
farming to protect sileage. Bale wrap and other sheet plastics
and tarps must be disposed of as C&D debris. Accepted at the
Solid Waste Management Center and many Town Transfer Stations
(see below).
Dirty and contaminated
bale wrap is disposable as C&D debris. Contact Cornell
Cooperative Extension at 607-865-6531 for information on
agricultural plastics recycling opportunities.
Batteries, Lead Acid and Dry Cell
Biosolids / Sludges
Carcasses (see
Road Kill)
CLEAN SWEEP is the annual household
hazardous waste, farm pesticides, and small business hazardous
waste disposal day. Each fall we schedule two days to accept and
safely dispose of hazardous and semi-hazardous wastes that are
not accepted for disposal at the Solid Waste Management Center.
CLEAN SWEEP provides a low cost and convenient way to safely
dispose of these items. Look for advertising in August and
September for CLEAN SWEEP or contact the Solid Waste Management
Center for information.
Clothes and Shoes, Used
Construction & Demolition Debris / Furniture
Soils contaminated from petroleum or fuel
oil leaks and spills, or other sources of semi hazardous or
hazardous contamination. These materials may be accepted for
disposal. Prior approval required. Accepted only at the Solid
Waste Management Center. For more information, contact the Solid
Waste Director.
Corrugated Cardboard
Dead Animals and Carcasses
Prohibited item. Large dead animals and
carcasses including deer, cows, coyotes, and domesticated
animals may not be thrown away with municipal solid waste
(garbage) or C&D debris. These materials should be limed and
buried on site or composted on site. For more information on
carcass composting, contact your local Cornell Cooperative
Extension office for more information on carcass composting.
Fluorescent Lights, Bulbs, Ballasts, and
Fuel Tanks (see also
Contaminated Soil)
C&D / Furniture. Any common household or
institutional item that is large, including: couches, chairs,
sofas, desks, tables, and beds, mattresses, and box springs.
Furniture is disposed of as C&D debris. Consider donating good
quality used furniture to a consignment shop or local charity.
Accepted at the Solid Waste Management Center and many Town
Transfer Stations.
Garbage (see
Municipal Solid Waste)
Mercury Switches, Lights, Bulbs, Ballasts, and Transformer
Prohibited item. Mercury switches, lights,
and associated fixtures are considered hazardous and may not be
thrown away with municipal solid waste (garbage) or C&D debris.
These items are accepted at the yearly CLEAN SWEEP Household
Hazardous Waste Disposal Day each fall. CLEAN SWEEP is a safe
disposal method for these items.
Motor Oil & Filters, Used
Municipal Solid Waste
Organic Wastes
(see Food Scraps)
Paint Cans
Paint, Solvents, Cleaners, Pesticides
Prohibited item.
Left over and unused liquids including paints, solvents, tars,
cleaners, and pesticides are not accepted for disposal and are
handled at the yearly CLEAN SWEEP Household Hazardous Waste
Disposal Day each fall. CLEAN SWEEP is a safe disposal method
for these items.
Paper, Mixed Magazines, Junk Mail, Office Paper,
and Computer Paper
Separate recyclable item. Includes the
mixture of: magazines, junk mail, office paper, computer paper,
copy paper, post-it notes, note cards, envelops. Does not
include waterproof or Tyvek mailers, plastic over wrap, carbon
paper, padded envelops, spiral binding. Accepted at all Town
Transfer Stations and the Solid Waste Management Center.
Pharmaceutical Wastes
Household medications
and household pet medications, including prescriptions, over the
counter medications, and veterinary medications. These can
be in the form of: pills, powders, liquids, vials, sprays,
inhalers, gels, ointments. These items are accepted at
CLEAN SWEEP for safe disposal.
Prohibited Item
Select items that are hazardous or
otherwise incompatible with the solid waste management program.
These items are not accepted at any of the Town Transfer
Stations or the Solid Waste Management Center. For information
on disposal of a prohibited item, contact the Solid Waste
Director for more information.
Propane Tanks
Recyclables, Co-Mingled
Recyclables, Separated
Single Stream Recyclables
accepted at Walton Facility Only
Please speak with your Hauler about your opportunities for
Kill (see also
Composting Road Kill)
Most "Road Kill" are not accepted
as part of the Delaware County Solid Waste Management Center or
Town Transfer Stations. Road kill/carcasses should be composted
on site.
CWD (chronic waste disease)
carriers such as deer and elk may be safely disposed of in the
landfill. Please keep these carcasses separate from your
regular garbage and notify the scale operator that you have a
carcass that needs to be landfilled. These animal
carcasses Should NOT be handled with your regular garbage.
Scrap Metal
Separated recyclable item. Metal items,
including: scrap metal pieces, wheel rims, bike frames, lawn
mowers, grills, car parts, wire, metal pipes and posts, metal
fencing, metal boats, motors and engine parts, and appliances.
Freon containing appliances (refrigerators, freezers, etc) must
be handled separately. Drums and tanks must be empty and cut
open. Box springs must be clean of fabric and wood. Accepted at
all Town Transfer Stations and the Solid Waste Management
Sharps, Syringes
Sharps include:
syringes, needles, diabetic lancets. Place sharps in a
rigid, non-breakable container, and secure the lid with strong
tape. Ask
your medical provider about disposal, or bring sharps to CLEAN
SWEEP for safe disposal. Please DO NOT place sharps or
syringes with recyclables. Contact the
Solid Waste Management
Center for more information.
Sodium Lights, Bulbs, Ballasts, and Transformers
Separated recyclable item. Passenger
tires, light truck tires, and over the road truck tires may not
be thrown away with municipal solid waste (garbage) or C&D
debris. Tires must be off the rim (rims are scrap metal) and
only “over the road” tires can be accepted. These items are
accepted for recycling at the Solid Waste Management Center
throughout the year and at select transfer stations. There is a
limit on the number of tires that can be accepted. Please
contact your transfer station or the Solid Waste Management
Center for more information.
TV Sets, Computer Monitors
Wood Waste
Wood waste is limited to unpainted, and
untreated lumber including pallets and lumber scrap. Wood waste
is accepted at the Solid Waste Management Center. Wood items
that have been painted, stained, or treated, including CCA
lumber, furniture, and siding are classified as C&D debris for