Assistant to the Director of Veterans Services
Veterans Services Agency

Delaware County Employee of the Month
December 2022

Roxanne Heannings was hired by Delaware County on 5/16/2011 as an Account Clerk with Social Services. On 6/3/2012, Roxanne was promoted to Senior Account Clerk in the Department of Public works. She was later promoted on 3/22/2020 to Administrative Aide at Veterans Service Agency, where she was promoted to her current position of Assistant to Director Veterans Services on 1/1/2022.

Roxanne was instrumental in developing a training program for the office and with New York State Veteran Services. She followed a regimented schedule and learned various aspects of Veteran Services while simultaneously acquiring a NYS accreditation. This was the first time a non-veteran has been accredited, and it was only due to her willingness to learn all aspects that she was able to get everything accomplished. Roxanne submits pension and other claims for veterans or for their surviving spouses.

Roxanne has an amazing work ethic and has an ability to undertake anything that is thrown at her. Roxanne is always searching for ways to make the department more efficient, capable, and cost conscious. Charlie says Roxanne is his right-hand person and he trusts her implicitly.

Roxanne enjoys interacting with the veterans daily and assisting them with obtaining the benefits they deserve!

Roxanne has a fiancé Rob Ellsworth, a daughter, Brinley, and son, Garrett (in heaven). Roxanne enjoys watching her daughter play sports, going to concerts, and socializing with her many friends.

Congratulations and Thank You, Roxanne, on a job well done!