Case Supervisor Grade B, Department of Social Services

Delaware County Employee of the Month
March 2018
Meghan Barnes was hired 1/28/2008 as a Caseworker, on
1/1/2011 she was promoted to Senior Caseworker I and on
6/23/2014 promoted to Senior Caseworker II. One 8/1/2016
she was promoted to Case Supervisor Grade B.
As Case Supervisor Grade B Meghan manages the entire CPS
unit which includes 3 senior Caseworker II and 11
Meghan gives everything she has to the agency and to the
department’s clients. She regularly works late, goes out of
her way to help others, and always volunteers for special
assignments. Meghan is very dependable you can count on her
reliability to accomplish tasks. She is extremely
knowledgeable about not only the Child Protective work she
supervises, but also the Family and Children’s unit. Meghan
is extremely conscientious and is always up to new
challenges in her work. She will do anything you ask of her
with a smile on her face. She is supportive to those she
supervises and is willing to help them out in any way she
can. In addition, her ability to engage with clients is
outstanding and she has a way to build rapport with just
about anyone. She gets along well with everyone is simply a
pleasure to work with.
Meghan enjoys interaction with her co-workers (work family)
and knowing she is helping children and families.
Because of her experience in the child welfare field, Meghan
and her husband took interest in fostering and was
ultimately blessed with adopting two girls.
Congratulations and Thank You Meghan on a job well done.