Delaware County Employee of the Month
August 2012
Robin Brower began working for Delaware County in the
Department of Social Services as a Community Services Worker
on March 30, 1998. At that time, her duties included
assisting the homeless population that came to DSS for
assistance. Her other duties included providing services
(including meals, clothing and search for housing) for adult
protective clients. She also provided transportation to
medical appointments and assisted with other needs that a
client could not otherwise provide for themselves.
Robin was promoted to Senior Community Services Worker on
January 1, 2001. For the next ten years, Robin developed an
expertise in assisting individuals with disabilities that
prevented them from being employed. She became especially
adept at conducting interviews with individuals claiming or
exhibiting some form of disability, helping them complete
supplemental social security income or social security
disability applications, including identification of
necessary medical evidence to support the application.
On February 7, 2011, Robin was promoted to Social Services
Program Specialist. Robin interviews applicants and
determines eligibility for Public Assistance, Medicaid, Food
Stamps or one of the Department’s emergency programs. Robin
also processes recertifications for all these programs and
extends eligibility for all persons and families that
continue to meet the criteria for specific programs.
Robin likes the interaction with clients and being able to
assist them with the challenges that bring them to Social
Services. She appreciates the support of her colleagues and
the County but her primary focus is the provision of
critical services to persons in need.
Robin has been married for 32 years to Richard and is the
mother of two children and has one granddaughter. Her
passion during her free time is reading. She also enjoys
swimming and camping with her family.
Robin’s positive outlook brings out the best in her
clients. Her calm demeanor also helps keep stress down in
the office. Robin’s experience, knowledge of DSS programs
and understanding of people make her an excellent role model
for her peers and a trusted colleague.
Congratulations, Robin, for this well-deserved recognition.