Delaware County Employee of the Month
March 2008

Raymond Kilmer joined Delaware County’s Department of Public Works on September 3, 2002 as a laborer. He was promoted to Motor Equipment Operator on October 21, 2002 and promoted to Heavy Equipment Operator on July 14, 2003. Raymond has worked with both the bridge crew and highway crew.

Raymond’s currently responsibilities include driving truck, helping haul equipment, plowing, salting and helping maintain roads.

Raymond was nominated as Employee of the Month because he has always been an excellent self-starter, seeing what needs to be done and taking it on. He is great for the morale of his fellow employees and puts a smile on everyone’s face. Raymond is always eager to take on whatever task he is given. There are many days that he switches from driving dump truck to moving equipment with a tractor trailer to flagging and back around again. He will come in early or work late to get equipment where it is needed. He is very diligent about the care of County property and keeps his trucks serviced and clean.

What Raymond likes most about his job are driving truck and learning new things about road repairs like the reconstruction of County Route 7 from beginning to end.

Raymond and his wife Mary have a daughter, Mandy, and two grandchildren, who he loves to spend time with.

Raymond’s hobbies include motorcycling, hunting, golfing, bowling, fishing and canoeing.

Congratulations, Raymond, and thank you.